Orlando, FL.

Jobs Partnership-LifeWorks Training

Spring 2024 LifeWorks Classes starting February 20th.

Applications are now open, and we invite you to share with your customers/clients/guests/ residents to take advantage of our free, faith-based core skills training that provides access to job opportunities.

Another exciting asset is that our participants have access to CET (certification and technical training programs), scholarships, and additional stipends for those who qualify.

* 3-minute LifeWorks Overview Video www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-i0iDUa3B8
* In-person classes available in Winter Garden, Orlando and South Orlando
* Learn more at https://jobspartnership.org

To apply for this training, call 407-641-0755x103 and ask for Beverly Henry-Brown to let know you would like to sign up.

Job Viewed 14109 Times
To apply for this training, call 407-641-0755x103 and ask for Beverly Henry-Brown to let know you would like to sign up.

To be able to apply for jobs on CFEC site, Register as a Job Seeker.

Jobs Partnership
2024-10-18 00:00:00
Orange County
Applications are now open, and we invite you to share with your customers/clients/guests/ residents to take advantage of our free, faith-based core skills training that provides access to job opportunities. Orlando, FL
Jobs Partnership